Saint Leger International © 2013 | All Rights Reserved
Headquarters : Camden ME, France Siret N° 810 761 478 00017.
Formerly based in the Paris region, Saint Leger relocated to the Mid-coast Maine region of the United States in 2018. We offer retained and contingency (18-20% of the first year annual salary) recruitment focused on middle to senior level executives within the Manufacturing, High Tech, Industrial, Life Sciences and Agribusiness Industries.
We are a low volume, high value-added boutique firm that executes a limited number of assignments each year and demonstrates an unwavering commitment to our clients.
We focus on identifying, assessing, placing and retaining leaders with outstanding track records, who will build competitive advantage and continuous value for our clients.
In addition Coaching is offered to help you to define and achieve your career and professional goals.
We help your business develop teams and expand with a proven record of recruiting across North America and Europe.
Schedule an appointment today so we can determine your company's recruitment needs.